How to issue a Receipt with MediSign

A receipt is an accounting document issued for an Invoice issued “On Credit“. That is, for Invoices that were not paid upon their issuance.

In this sense, it is rarely needed in the field of service delivery in primary care. It is much more important for healthcare professionals or businesses with double-entry bookkeeping.

Issue a Receipt

So if you issue an “On Credit” Invoice, then, at the bottom of the page and in the “Payment info” section, you will find a form where you can fill in the details of the payment and issue a Receipt.

MediSign EHR - Receipt

Fill in the Payment Date and Payment Method and then press Save Payment.

Now, you can issue the relevant Receipt.

A Receipt is issued on the current date and time. However, it details when and how the payment was made.

The Receipt receives its own serial number in the internal series “Receipts”. You don’t need to do anything about it.

Other functionality

After you have issued the Receipt you can

  • print the Receipt
  • send it by email
  • cancel the Receipt

That is, as is the case with Invoices.

MediSign EHR - Receipt

My Invoices

Now in the menu option

Accounting ⟶ My invoices and receipts

you have the possibility to display the Receipts as well.

MediSign EHR - My invoices and receipts
My invoices and receipts

Finally, using the option

Accounting ⟶ Download invoices

you can download both Invoices and Receipts.

Christos Pontikis

I studied at the Medical School of Athens. I specialized in Internal Medicine at the "Evangelismos General Hospital". For more than 15 years I have been actively involved in Informatics in the field of Health. I founded MediSign Ltd (web-based medical software). MediSign is the most important project for the company.