New functionality: Bulk Download of Invoices

New functionality has been added to MediSign. It is now possible to download (in a zip file) the invoices for the month of your choice.

The process can be done by you and then send the zip file to your Accountant, or by your Accountant, after you make them a MediSign user (see the video at the end of the article).

Bulk Download of Invoices

From the menu select

Accounting ⟶ Download invoices - Bulk Download Invoices (menu)
Bulk Download Invoices (menu)

Then select Year and Month (the current month is the default). - Bulk Download Invoices
Bulk Download Invoices

My Invoices

This is your Invoices archive. Here you can search for an Invoice after its issuance.

From the menu select

Accounting ⟶ My invoices - My Invoices (menu)
My Invoices (menu)

You can also generate, print, and export to Excel many useful reports.

One of the most important is the “Invoices of a month” report. See how you can create it:

  • Click on “Criteria” (point 1)
  • Select the criteria you are interested in (eg “from-to” date range, order, Customer, etc)
  • Click “Apply criteria” (point 2)
  • Now the list of your Invoices has been updated based on the criteria you have chosen - My Invoices - Excel Export
Excel Export

Excel export with Criteria

Once you have set the criteria you are interested in (eg from 1 Dec 2021 to 31 Dec 2021 for the December Invoices), then:

  • Click on “Tools” (point 3 in the previous image)
  • Click on “Export to Excel” (point 4 in the previous image)
  • All your information is now available in an Excel file.


If you want to make your Accountant a MediSign user, watch the following video:

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