MediSign EHR: Auto save Important Documents
Medical documents are valuable. You often need a lot of time to compile and record the patient's History, Physical Exam, and more. When we work on the Internet there is…
Medical documents are valuable. You often need a lot of time to compile and record the patient's History, Physical Exam, and more. When we work on the Internet there is…
Do you offer discounts to your customers? MediSign can help you! Add new Discount Go to Accounting Management (Discounts) from the main menu: Menu ⟶ Accounting ⟶ Management Then press…
The "Activity Log" is a new feature added to MediSign. You can now know when and by whom every action concerning your Practice has been made. Actions recorded (indicative): add…
New functionality has been added to MediSign. It is now possible to download (in a zip file) the invoices for the month of your choice. The process can be done…
If there is more than one examination room in your office, you can arrange an appointment for a certain room (in combination with all the other available criteria). From the…